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Best Breakfast Sandwiches in Midtown

Finding the best breakfast sandwiches in Midtown is as easy as swiping left or right on your favorite dating app. But finding one worthy of a second date try...

May 20


The @GirlsTalkTacos Guide to Cinco De Mayo in NYC

Once upon a brunch-fueled Sunday afternoon in Manhattan, five friends—each of whom hail from Miami—sat around a table and discovered their shared appreciation for all things tacos. They were...

May 4


The Best-Ever Kentucky Derby Recipes

We love everything about the Kentucky Derby: the excitement of the races, the glamorous hats and, of course, the mint juleps. With just two weeks to go before the...

April 27


12 Hours of Healthy Eating in Midtown

Until recently, Midtown was mostly fast food, cupcake shops and overpriced, mediocre restaurants aimed at tourists. Luckily, healthier, more affordable, more delicious options have opened up. Here’s our ultimate...

April 13


Where to Find the Best Irish Whiskey in NYC

This St. Patrick’s Day, we’re trading in beer kegs for glasses of whiskey, neat. Irish Whiskey is the speciality at Copper and Oak, the new sister to the West...

March 17


NYC’s Most Romantic Restaurant

For more than four decades, One if by Land, Two if by Sea has been the city’s most romantic restaurant, with white tablecloths, velvet-backed chairs and countless candles. We...

February 11


Recipes we want to try on Pinterest in 2016

When are we NOT on Pinterest? Lunch breaks, coffee breaks, should-probably-get-back-to work breaks… We are always on the hunt for the most beautiful, inspiring pins, whether that means planning...

January 11


Midtown Gems: Bryant Park Hot Chocolate Crawl

It’s five o’clock on a December afternoon and the crowds on Fifth Avenue have you seeking refuge, fast. You duck around the corinthian columns of the New York Public...

December 23


Tricks for Making Your Salad Way Less Boring

Winter is coming to an end (fingers crossed) and we already have our eyes on the latest two-piece swimsuits and ultra-short trunks. Trouble is, we look like we’ve been...

March 10


The warm and lush flavors of autumn on Refinery Rooftop’s fall cocktail menu

Refinery Rooftop has a new fall cocktail menu and there are some wonderfully creative and delicious concoctions coming into the lineup. The beauty and lively chill of New York...

October 28


Around NYC

We can all breathe a sigh of relief, Spring cocktails are here to save the day! We have successfully made it through one of the worst winters we’ve experienced in a while here in New York City.
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